Recording Webinars for Webmasters with the Movavi Screen Capture Studio

Are you running your own website or acting as a webmaster for one? If so then you undoubtedly know that there are endless considerations to take into account, from web design and development to the actual content of the website itself. One of the best ways to stay up to date on all the latest trends involving webmasters is to watch some of the many webinars out there – so that you can hear from the top webmasters and industry experts and learn from them in the process.

Movavi Screen Capture StudioThe only problem with these webinars is that most of them tend to be live, and that can be inconvenient. Assuming there’s a live webinar and you aren’t free – you could very well end up missing out. Instead of letting that happen however, if you learn how to use the Movavi Screen Capture Studio as a video grabber you could record any webinars you want and watch them offline at your leisure.

It is a breeze to record webinars with the Movavi Screen Capture Studio, and you can just:

  1. Position and resize the capture frame to encompass the area where the webinar is playing.
  2. Check that the audio source is set to ‘System Audio’.
  3. Start recording as the webinar starts by pressing ‘REC’.
  4. Stop recording when the webinar is done, and save the video.

Frankly even if it is your first time using screen capture software, you’ll have no problem recording webinars with the Movavi Screen Capture Studio. The best part is that you can then choose to use its other features to improve and edit your video in various ways too. In fact, you’ll be able to cut and combine video segments, apply special effects and filters, add audio tracks as background music or voiceovers, insert customizable text, and much more with the features that are available.

Considering you want to record webmaster-related webinars to learn from them, you could even extract the important parts of the webinars that you record and compile them into a reference video. Once you do that, you could choose to use the presets available to optimize it for your mobile devices and carry it around with you so that you can refer to it conveniently. The options at your disposal with the Movavi Screen Capture Studio are endless and all you need to do is take advantage of them.

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